Leadership Highlights

Improving Student Outcomes

CHCCS – In 2+ years (in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic) led the district to:

  • The highest graduation rate (94.8%) in CHCCS history;
  • District gains included a 71.1% passing rate on all state exams, the highest in the Triangle.
  • 83.3% of CHCCS schools Exceeded or Met Growth expectations.
  • The number of schools identified as Technical Support & Improvement (TSI) schools for low performing groups dropped from 12 in 2018-19 to 5 in 2021-22, and to 4 in 2022-23.

Improving Student Outcomes

CHCCS – In 2+ years (in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic) led the district to:

  • The highest graduation rate (94.8%) in CHCCS history;
  • District gains included a 71.1% passing rate on all state exams, the highest in the Triangle.
  • 83.3% of CHCCS schools Exceeded or Met Growth expectations.
  • The number of schools identified as Technical Support & Improvement (TSI) schools for low performing groups dropped from 12 in 2018-19 to 5 in 2021-22, and to 4 in 2022-23.

Family + Community Engagement

  • CHCCS – Issue a weekly community update that is intentionally personal and informational in hopes to engage and connect with the broadest community possible.
  • Implemented the Superintendent’s Neighborhood Walk and Talks which allows for connections with parents/caregivers and children on their own “turf”– reaching out to families who might not have time, transportation or other resources to attend district and school-wide meetings.

Improving Student Attendance + Discipline

  • HCPS – 1st Place Magna Award – led district efforts of a major overhaul of the Code of Student Conduct and developed and implemented behavior support programs.
  • Led coordinated efforts and fostered collaboration among internal and external stakeholders resulting in disrupting the school to prison pipeline with a 37% reduction in out of school suspensions.
  • Reallocated School Social Worker assignments and implemented Attendance Officers which resulted in a 32% reduction in truancy in one calendar year.

Addressing Opportunity Gaps

  • Year-over-year (different cohort of students) 3rd grade reading increase of 11.1 percentage points for Black students and 3.9 percentage points for Latinx students.
  • Same cohort – 4th grade Black reading increase of 3.8 percentage points from the previous year when they were 3rd graders.
  • HCPS – Over 98% pass rate in reading and math SOL for students with disabilities who participated in CTE programs.
  • Responsible for leading efforts that cut the risk ratio in half (in a three year period) for Black students with disabilities who were suspended ten or more days.
  • Helped lead division efforts which increased the identification of underrepresented populations in gifted education by 34.8% for Black students and 18% for Latinx students.

Modeling Leadership that Supports Wellness and Growth for ALL Students

Ensuring Transparency and Engagement